Current Volume 17(7) 2011 (24)
01 Jul 2011
Association of MMP1-1607 1G/2G and TIMP1 372 T/C gene polymorphisms with risk of primary open angle glaucoma in a Polish population
Ireneusz Majsterek, Lukasz Markiewicz
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881854
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR417-421
01 Jul 2011
Association of MMP1-1607 1G/2G and TIMP1 372 T/C gene polymorphisms with risk of primary open angle glaucoma in a Polish population
Ireneusz Majsterek, Lukasz Markiewicz, Karolina Przybylowska, Mira Gacek, Anna K. Kurowska, Anna Kaminska, Jerzy Szaflik, Jacek P. Szaflik
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881854
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR417-421
21 Jun 2011
Human internal thoracic artery grafts exhibit severe morphological and functional damage and spasmic vasomotion due to oxidative stress
Levente Kiss, Rita Benko
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881853
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR411-416
21 Jun 2011
Human internal thoracic artery grafts exhibit severe morphological and functional damage and spasmic vasomotion due to oxidative stress
Levente Kiss, Rita Benko, Endre Kovacs, Tamas Szerafin, Katalin Modis, Csaba Szabo, Zsombor Lacza
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881853
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR411-416
21 Jun 2011
Assessment of spinal appearance in female patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis treated operatively
Ewa Misterska, Maciej Glowacki
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881852
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR404-410
21 Jun 2011
Assessment of spinal appearance in female patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis treated operatively
Ewa Misterska, Maciej Glowacki, Jerzy Harasymczuk
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881852
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR404-410
21 Jun 2011
Assessment of sleep patterns, energy expenditure and circadian rhythms of skin temperature in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Hadil Al Otair, Mustafa Al-shamiri
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881851
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR397-403
21 Jun 2011
Assessment of sleep patterns, energy expenditure and circadian rhythms of skin temperature in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Hadil Al Otair, Mustafa Al-shamiri, Mohammed Bahobail, Munir M. Sharif, Ahmed S BaHammam
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881851
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR397-403
21 Jun 2011
Variation in KCNQ1 is associated with therapeutic response to sulphonylureas
Zbynek Schroner, Martina Dobrikova
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881850
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR392-396
21 Jun 2011
Variation in KCNQ1 is associated with therapeutic response to sulphonylureas
Zbynek Schroner, Martina Dobrikova, Lucia Klimcakova, Martin Javorsky, Jozef Zidzik, Miriam Kozarova, Terezia Hudakova, Ruzena Tkacova, Jan Salagovic, Ivan Tkac
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881850
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR392-396
21 Jun 2011
Correlation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) and Retinoid X Receptor-alpha (RXR-alpha) expression with clinical risk factors in patients with advanced carotid atherosclerosis
Constantinos Giaginis, Christos Klonaris
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881849
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR381-391
21 Jun 2011
Correlation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) and Retinoid X Receptor-alpha (RXR-alpha) expression with clinical risk factors in patients with advanced carotid atherosclerosis
Constantinos Giaginis, Christos Klonaris, Athanassios Katsargyris, Gregorios Kouraklis, Chara Spiliopoulou, Stamatios Theocharis
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881849
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR381-391
21 Jun 2011
Treatment failure of gentamicin in pediatric patients with oropharyngeal tularemia
Ali Kaya, Ismail Onder Uysal
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881848
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR376-380
21 Jun 2011
Treatment failure of gentamicin in pediatric patients with oropharyngeal tularemia
Ali Kaya, Ismail Onder Uysal, Ahmet Sami Guven, Aynur Engin, Abdulaziz Gulturk, Fusun Dilara Icagasioglu, Omer Cevit
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881848
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR376-380
21 Jun 2011
Electrocardiographic changes in hospitalized patients with leptospirosis over a 10-year period
Vedrana Skerk, Alemka Markotic
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881847
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR369-375
21 Jun 2011
Electrocardiographic changes in hospitalized patients with leptospirosis over a 10-year period
Vedrana Skerk, Alemka Markotic, Ivan Puljiz, Ilija Kuzman, Elvira Celjuska Tosev, Josipa Habus, Nenad Turk, Josip Begovac
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881847
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR369-375
21 Jun 2011
A comparison of pain level and entropy changes following core stability exercise intervention
Taero Lee, Yoon Hyuk Kim
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881846
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR362-368
21 Jun 2011
A comparison of pain level and entropy changes following core stability exercise intervention
Taero Lee, Yoon Hyuk Kim, Paul S. Sung
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881846
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR362-368
21 Jun 2011
Changes in bacterial resistance patterns in children with urinary tract infections on antimicrobial prophylaxis at University Hospital in Split
Tanja Ilić, Sanda Gračan
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881845
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR355-361
21 Jun 2011
Changes in bacterial resistance patterns in children with urinary tract infections on antimicrobial prophylaxis at University Hospital in Split
Tanja Ilić, Sanda Gračan, Adela Arapović, Vesna Čapkun, Mirna Šubat-Dežulović, Marijan Saraga
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881845
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CR355-361
21 Jun 2011
Phage therapy of Cronobacter-induced urinary tract infection in mice
Lubomira Tothova, Peter Celec
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881844
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): BR173-178
21 Jun 2011
Phage therapy of Cronobacter-induced urinary tract infection in mice
Lubomira Tothova, Peter Celec, Janka Babickova, Jana Gajdosova, Hend Al-Alami, Natalia Kamodyova, Hana Drahovska, Adriana Liptakova, Jan Turna, Julius Hodosy
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881844
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): BR173-178
21 Jun 2011
Regulation of the instantaneous inward rectifier and the delayed outward rectifier potassium channels by Captopril and Angiotensin II via the Phosphoinositide-3 kinase pathway in volume-overload-induced hypertrophied cardiac myocytes
Zikiar V. Alvin, Graham G. Laurence
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881843
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): BR165-172
21 Jun 2011
Regulation of the instantaneous inward rectifier and the delayed outward rectifier potassium channels by Captopril and Angiotensin II via the Phosphoinositide-3 kinase pathway in volume-overload-induced hypertrophied cardiac myocytes
Zikiar V. Alvin, Graham G. Laurence, Bernell R. Coleman, Aiqiu Zhao, Majd Hajj-Moussa, Georges E. Haddad
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881843
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): BR165-172
21 Jun 2011
Modulating gut microbiota as an anti-diabetic mechanism of berberine
Junling Han, Huiling Lin
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881842
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): RA164-167
21 Jun 2011
Modulating gut microbiota as an anti-diabetic mechanism of berberine
Junling Han, Huiling Lin, Weiping Huang
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881842
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): RA164-167
21 Jun 2011
Gastric pH and motility in a porcine model of acute lung injury using a wireless motility capsule
Stefan Rauch, Ralf M. Muellenbach
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881841
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): BR161-164
21 Jun 2011
Gastric pH and motility in a porcine model of acute lung injury using a wireless motility capsule
Stefan Rauch, Ralf M. Muellenbach, Amelie Johannes, Bernd Zollhofer, Norbert Roewer
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881841
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): BR161-164
21 Jun 2011
Systematic overview of the efficacy of nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery in the treatment of open angle glaucoma
Jin-Wei Cheng, Shi-Wei Cheng
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881840
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): RA155-163
21 Jun 2011
Systematic overview of the efficacy of nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery in the treatment of open angle glaucoma
Jin-Wei Cheng, Shi-Wei Cheng, Ji-Ping Cai, You Li, Rui-Li Wei
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881840
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): RA155-163
21 Jun 2011
Serpiginous-like choroiditis as sign of intraocular tuberculosis
Ljubo Znaor, Aleksej Medic
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881839
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CS88-90
21 Jun 2011
Serpiginous-like choroiditis as sign of intraocular tuberculosis
Ljubo Znaor, Aleksej Medic, Ksenija Karaman, Dijana Perkovic
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881839
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CS88-90
21 Jun 2011
Severe thrombocytopenia related to trastuzumab infusion
Marina Mantzourani, Helen Gogas
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881838
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CS85-87
21 Jun 2011
Severe thrombocytopenia related to trastuzumab infusion
Marina Mantzourani, Helen Gogas, Aikaterini Katsandris, John Meletis
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881838
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CS85-87
21 Jun 2011
Association between Takayasu arteritis and ulcerative colitis – case report and review of serological HLA analysis
Nobuyuki Takahashi, Kazuaki Tanabe
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881837
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CS81-84
21 Jun 2011
Association between Takayasu arteritis and ulcerative colitis – case report and review of serological HLA analysis
Nobuyuki Takahashi, Kazuaki Tanabe, Takashi Sugamori, Masatake Sato, Jun Kitamura, Hidetoshi Sato, Hiroyuki Yoshitomi, Yutaka Ishibashi, Toshio Shimada
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881837
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CS81-84
21 Jun 2011
Predictors of symptoms of posttraumatic stress in Chinese university students during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic
Jiahong Xu, Yayuan Zheng
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881836
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): PH60-64
21 Jun 2011
Predictors of symptoms of posttraumatic stress in Chinese university students during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic
Jiahong Xu, Yayuan Zheng, Mingmin Wang, Jiangmin Zhao, Qing Zhan, Mingxu Fu, Qianyi Wang, Junjie Xiao, Yan Cheng
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881836
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): PH60-64
21 Jun 2011
A connection between the Efferent Auditory System and Noise-Induced Tinnitus Generation. Reduced contralateral suppression of TEOAEs in patients with noise-induced tinnitus
Panagiota Lalaki, Stavros Hatzopoulos
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881835
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): MT56-62
21 Jun 2011
A connection between the Efferent Auditory System and Noise-Induced Tinnitus Generation. Reduced contralateral suppression of TEOAEs in patients with noise-induced tinnitus
Panagiota Lalaki, Stavros Hatzopoulos, Guiscardo Lorito, Krzysztof Kochanek, Lech Sliwa, Henryk Skarzynski
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881835
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): MT56-62
21 Jun 2011
Diagnosis, treatment and outcome of glutaric aciduria type I in Zhejiang Province, China
Lili Yang, Huaiming Yin
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881834
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): PH55-59
21 Jun 2011
Diagnosis, treatment and outcome of glutaric aciduria type I in Zhejiang Province, China
Lili Yang, Huaiming Yin, Rongwang Yang, Xinwen Huang
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881834
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): PH55-59
21 Jun 2011
Measurement and comparison of skin dose using OneDose MOSFET and Mobile MOSFET for patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Essam H. Mattar, Lina F. Hammad
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881833
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): MT51-55
21 Jun 2011
Measurement and comparison of skin dose using OneDose MOSFET and Mobile MOSFET for patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Essam H. Mattar, Lina F. Hammad, Huda I. Al-Mohammed
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881833
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): MT51-55
21 Jun 2011
Publications in ISI-indexed public health journals from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan during 1999–2008
Mei-Ling Zheng, Li-Li Yang
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881832
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): SR21-27
21 Jun 2011
Publications in ISI-indexed public health journals from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan during 1999–2008
Mei-Ling Zheng, Li-Li Yang, Yi Shen, Qiang Shu
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881832
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): SR21-27
21 Jun 2011
Rare complication after mitral valve replacement due to infective endocarditis (Part 2)
Elżbieta Abramczuk, Hanna Heretyk-Grabowska
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881831
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CQ3-6
21 Jun 2011
Rare complication after mitral valve replacement due to infective endocarditis (Part 2)
Elżbieta Abramczuk, Hanna Heretyk-Grabowska, Maciej Grabowski, Marcin Demkow, Adam Witkowski, Marek Konka, Tomasz Hryniewiecki
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.881831
Med Sci Monit 2011; 17(7): CQ3-6
01 January 2025 : Editorial
Editorial: The Human Cell Atlas. What Is It and Where Could It Take Us?DOI: 10.12659/MSM.947707
Med Sci Monit 2025; 31:e947707
In Press
Clinical Research
Impact of Periodontal Treatment on Early Rheumatoid Arthritis and the Role of Porphyromonas gingivalis Anti...Med Sci Monit In Press; DOI: 10.12659/MSM.947146
Clinical Research
C-Reactive Protein, Uric Acid, and Coronary Artery Ectasia in Patients with Coronary Artery DiseaseMed Sci Monit In Press; DOI: 10.12659/MSM.947158
Clinical Research
Effects of Remote Exercise on Physical Function in Pre-Frail Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled TrialMed Sci Monit In Press; DOI: 10.12659/MSM.947105
Database Analysis
Development and Validation of a Competitive Risk Model in Elderly Patients with Transitional Cell Bladder C...Med Sci Monit In Press; DOI: 10.12659/MSM.946332
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